Holiday Travels

Some of us will soon be packing bags to head off to see distant family. Perhaps to our hometown where we went to elementary school and ran the streets on bikes with our friends. Maybe we’ll be off to fun mountain villages to take in tourist spots and enjoy some outdoor hiking. The Thanksgiving holidayContinueContinue reading “Holiday Travels”

Emotional Holidays

We all have preconceived ideas of what the best holiday looks like. We all have ways we enjoy spending them. Some of us avoid the holidays and don’t like them as much as others. We delay, stall and grumble about the stores because it is our comfort zone. Some are planning holidays well before seasonsContinueContinue reading “Emotional Holidays”

Healing Our Friendships

I wrote back in September about the challenges many of us women have in trusting other women and developing deeper relationships with one another (read it here: Crossing the Line in Direct Sales.) That post triggered so many comments from women stating that what is in that post is right on point and the contentContinueContinue reading “Healing Our Friendships”

Kids Stuff to do on Holidays

It seems kids have at least one day off a month from school for some reason or another and then there is the year end breaks. In our area schools close basically the last 2 and 1/2 weeks of December and first week of January. It’s a large amount of time where parents are jugglingContinueContinue reading “Kids Stuff to do on Holidays”

Loving on Our Military Families

In our neighborhood are several military families. There will be seasons where moving trucks line the streets of families moving in and out to take on new orders for the military. Some of the families will know each other having crossed paths in various moves and assignments and they will make new friends with newContinueContinue reading “Loving on Our Military Families”