Keto isn’t for Everyone

This technically relates to every diet known and unknown. Name your diet and there will be something that doesn’t work for someone on it. There are some diets that just don’t work for some of us, some that do and others that quite honestly no one should be doing, especially if they want long termContinueContinue reading “Keto isn’t for Everyone”

Boosting Your Natural Immunity this Season

Avoiding illness has taken on a new level of awareness since the pandemic. It is a silver lining positive that came out of that situation as I believe many of us have taken for granted our health and what it means to prevent illness. Before, it was common to push through a cold under theContinueContinue reading “Boosting Your Natural Immunity this Season”

Why Low-Fat Diets are Killing Us

My husband recently underwent some heart procedures. While major in nature, it was the best situation we could have prayed for that will likely avoid a lot of future problems in his health. During this process, we met with several doctors and surgeons who would advise of a healthy diet, specifically a low-fat to no-fatContinueContinue reading “Why Low-Fat Diets are Killing Us”

Pent Up Farts and Public Poops

It’s unladylike and we don’t do that! This was what I remember of a nun in my 3rd grade math class telling us girls about manners. In this particular lesson it was about farting, because some poor little girl let one go while practicing our long division. She spent the rest of class in theContinueContinue reading “Pent Up Farts and Public Poops”

Homeostasis and Your Health

Our bodies have a continual goal of being in a state of homeostasis. This is where our body, mind and spirit are most aligned in harmony for supporting optimal health and well-being. It is the sweet spot where things are working properly on their own and we feel good. The struggle comes in that homeostasisContinueContinue reading “Homeostasis and Your Health”