What I Know About Connections – VLOG

Connections are so important to our life. While we can do a lot without anyone we will sooner or later need others. From love, friendship, and more connections are the lifeline to what gives us breath. https://youtu.be/JGdZXLaBdds

Connecting in the Kitchen

For many of us the kitchen is the center of the home. It is where we connect with each other while stirring bowls of ingredients and creating meals that bring us together. It is where many of us eat sharing tales of our day and making plans. Our kitchens are the heartbeat of activity withContinueContinue reading “Connecting in the Kitchen”

Color Connections

You know how you are just drawn to certain colors. It doesn’t matter what is popular we all have that special color that is our favorite. We pick up little accessories in that color, maybe our car is painted with it or our wardrobe has spashles of it everywhere. We gravitate towards this color becauseContinueContinue reading “Color Connections”

When It Just Connects

I feel that when people really get it, it is like a big awakening for them. Like one of those aha moments that all of a sudden it takes over their awareness and generates genuine excitement around them. In my mind what is even cooler to watch after those first few moments of seeing theContinueContinue reading “When It Just Connects”

Politically Connected

It is really uncomfortable talking about politics these days. This single topic has the potential to separate life long friends and make for just truly uncomfortable situations. It is the subject we need to be talking about but most of us get so passionate about it the conversation becomes anything but constructive. I can thinkContinueContinue reading “Politically Connected”