Why Your M.D. Doesn’t Recognize Adrenal Fatigue as a Diagnosis

https://youtu.be/vxVz95M1Rw8 Adrenal fatigue doesn’t exist per your doctor and insurance company. You cannot be diagnosed with it. Nor will it appear on your bill as a coded item approved for payment by your insurance company. To them it is a non-existent illness. Per Mayo Clinic’s website it is defined as, “It is a lay termContinueContinue reading “Why Your M.D. Doesn’t Recognize Adrenal Fatigue as a Diagnosis”

Stop Blaming Your Hormones

https://youtu.be/oQfjQHaKw0w Your hormones are easy targets. When you’re in the middle of a hot flash feeling makeup run down your chin while sweating through a beautiful blouse you cannot change out of right now because you’re sitting in a work meeting – well, it is very hard not to see hormones as a problem. Yet,ContinueContinue reading “Stop Blaming Your Hormones”

Meditation for the Stressed Out Woman Who Can’t Sit Still to Meditate

I really wanted to be good at meditation but instead I was the Julia Roberts in Eat, Love, Pray falling sound asleep and snoring during meditation class. Even at home when I would try it, it quickly became code for napping. Was I not good at meditation? Why did I always fall asleep rather thanContinueContinue reading “Meditation for the Stressed Out Woman Who Can’t Sit Still to Meditate”

Torturing Yourself with Resolutions… Again

New Year, same resolution. The number one resolution set by most adults by a whopping 90% is to lose weight or be more healthy. Yet, year after year we try again to lose that weight and be more healthy. Why then do we continue to torture ourselves? https://youtu.be/83DbrAPGow4