What to Eat When on Vacation

Picture this… You’re getting ready to pack for this awesome vacation you’ve been looking forward to for literally forever. You worked overtime and maybe even took a second job to get the upgrades. The tickets are paid for, hotel confirmed, early morning Uber scheduled for the airport, and you are hours before sitting on someContinueContinue reading “What to Eat When on Vacation”

Eat the Pizza & Have Dessert

How often I have justified what I ate or drank. It was Tuesday. I had a bad day. I was hungry. My best friend was no longer my best friend. The list goes on. Food was always there for me. It didn’t matter what went down, I knew there was a carton of ice creamContinueContinue reading “Eat the Pizza & Have Dessert”

Caving to Cravings

Cravings are a strange thing. Other than a uncomfortable point in pregnancy, who would otherwise ever eat pickles and ice cream together? There’s no explanation for this other than pregnancy hormones right? Cravings go so much deeper than a common want by creating this unsatiable need that can seem so illogical. We cannot explain whyContinueContinue reading “Caving to Cravings”

All the Lies You are Told about Your Weight

This was a serious question I was scolding myself over as I stood in front of the mirror fresh from the shower. In this moment, I was once again beating myself up for not losing any weight that week as I mentally went through what I had eaten. Seriously, did I need seconds the otherContinueContinue reading “All the Lies You are Told about Your Weight”