November Natural News

Like all of 2020, November seems as if it too has it’s own vibration that is different than ones we have known in the past. While we still feel this stirring for upcoming holidays we know they too will be different this year. Our large tables usually surrounded by ones we love to enjoy aContinueContinue reading “November Natural News”

September Natural News

As I enter September I find myself reflective about changes going on around me. I see just the tiniest tinge of change letting me know Summer is winding down. The landscape will change from lush greens and growth to brilliant oranges and reds. The temperatures will lose the heavy humidity and warmth in favor ofContinueContinue reading “September Natural News”

August Natural News

I’m starting with the exclamation that I have no idea how it became August already. It truly seems since we have emerged from the social distancing situation earlier this year that time has gone on uber speed mode. It feels like we are running all the time, catching up and just trying to keep up!ContinueContinue reading “August Natural News”

July Natural News

When I choose the word FREE as this month’s 2020 Wellness Challenge I wasn’t thinking of July 4th or other historic events though they do seem to align. When I sat to build out the theme for each month FREE came up as a result of the work we have been doing to this point.ContinueContinue reading “July Natural News”

June Natural News

As I look forward to this month with school getting out and summer vacations coming soon I marvel at how much time passes. We build so many memories each day and most of them we won’t ever remember but when I look back it’s usually this time of year where those daily memories catch upContinueContinue reading “June Natural News”