How to Begin to Change Your Cleaners

Humans like to be comfy. While we may complain of the same old thing day in and day out we also tend to get a little worked up with life when things are out of the norm. Creatures of habit indeed we are. I hope this month’s blog posts on our spaces and what itContinueContinue reading “How to Begin to Change Your Cleaners”

Why I Changed Our Cleaners

There’s a lot of cleaners that I just don’t buy anymore. It’s been a journey to transition our home to natural cleaners but over the past year and half we have successfully changed out 90% of our home’s products to a more natural option. Now that we have so much transitioned to a natural optionContinueContinue reading “Why I Changed Our Cleaners”

A Natural Cleaning Schedule

When I changed our homes cleaners to be more natural, I also found it was a good opportunity to update my approach to cleaning. Like most moms I still do some cleaning every day, including a load of laundry, to keep everything up and avoid as much as possible having to use sacred weekend timeContinueContinue reading “A Natural Cleaning Schedule”

In the Mood to Clean

Do you find it helps to be in a certain mood when you need to clean the house? I sure do. For me, I need to have a clear schedule for the day, have the family out doing something and find my favorite old songs on Pandora. I start in the room with the musicContinueContinue reading “In the Mood to Clean”

Extending the Clean Smell

There are times when the room is “clean enough” but it could do with some freshening and tidying that is simple and quick to accomplish. I call this “extending the clean” at my house. It’s when if I do a little picking up and “freshening” of the room I can forego the actually heavy dutyContinueContinue reading “Extending the Clean Smell”