GenX, Virtual Reality and Wokeness

When I was young there was an outcry that video games and rock and roll music were evil. It was said these things were doing bad things to our brains by implanting satanical messages into them. At the time, most people laughed at this, turned up the hair band music and went about their business.ContinueContinue reading “GenX, Virtual Reality and Wokeness”

The Backside of the Unintended Super Hero

I don’t know that we ever really feel ready for what we have to face in life. The old teaching that we are never given more than we can handle or that we are always where we need to be are intended to comfort in these situations but too often leave us still in doubt.ContinueContinue reading “The Backside of the Unintended Super Hero”

Grime of a Day’s Corporate Work

That numb feeling that comes from being exhausted likes to linger on me mingled with the day’s dirt and grime. Since I work at a desk I have to sometimes wonder if it isn’t the energy numbness more than sweat, blood and tears I feel all over my skin. Tears certainly come some days butContinueContinue reading “Grime of a Day’s Corporate Work”

The Genie Inside My Holy Basil Oil

When I first procured a bottle of holy basil essential oil I really had no idea what it was for or how to use it. Like all new oils I get, I immediately opened it so I could smell it. No longer a novice I have long since given up having expectations of what aromasContinueContinue reading “The Genie Inside My Holy Basil Oil”