What I Know About Growing

Watching my son grow up is priceless. His glee for his upcoming birthday and desire to be older is reminiscent of my own desires at his age. As children we seem so excited to grow older because of what it means in terms of what we can do in our life. When we become adultsContinueContinue reading “What I Know About Growing”

Growing Out of Things

I’m in the process of going through our son’s closet. School is out and it’s time to go through the clothes and shoes that no longer fit him. I do this a couple times of year to make room for things that fit him and to make a list of what I’ll need to startContinueContinue reading “Growing Out of Things”

How Can You?

There is such a list for how to answer this question. Depending on how it’s asked too it can be the most uplifting encouraging thing you ever respond on or make you feel lower that the depths of the ocean. How often do we use this simple question to uplift or take down ourselves andContinueContinue reading “How Can You?”

Growing Words I Don't Know How to Speak

This doesn’t seem to happen a lot but when it does I just really seem to stumble like I’ve never done it before in my life. There are three blog posts left to write for May and it has become this struggle to put words on paper. Like literally every time I sit down toContinueContinue reading “Growing Words I Don't Know How to Speak”

Tending the Garden of Business

I like to think of Dragonspit Apothecary, my own small business I started 3 years ago, like a garden most days. It brings me joy in it’s current small manageable size (small business). I watch over it carefully each day making sure it gets just the right amount of sunlight (social media) and water (investment).ContinueContinue reading “Tending the Garden of Business”