The Strong on Life’s Journey

At an early age I knew I was going to have be strong. Strong in physical endurance to run or stand tall, eventually I would learn when to do which too, though sometimes I do struggle on this one. Strong in determination and grit. Strong to carry on when others gave up on me, themselvesContinueContinue reading “The Strong on Life’s Journey”

The Edge of Humanity

This past summer we took a weekend family getaway to a small mountain town. It was one of those gimmick places with lots of tourist t-shirt shops, fudge and sweet shops, arcades and activities aimed at family fun. Like typical getaways our family does, we successfully crammed five days of activities into 48 hours andContinueContinue reading “The Edge of Humanity”

The Point of No Return

These past couple years feels like they have been leading to this big point in time where things either explode into mess or we find utopia on the other side of the storm. I don’t know which and am afraid to hope it will all be alright at times. Feeling secure, like you have someContinueContinue reading “The Point of No Return”

Loving the Hard Things in Life

The part of the journey that gets hard and seems grueling is always the hardest to love. It doesn’t matter the goal, path, adventure or situation, when things get hard it is difficult to enjoy the experience. No one wants problems and stress from it. The hard things make us doubt ourselves, question what we’reContinueContinue reading “Loving the Hard Things in Life”