Drinking More

Why Your Body Needs More Water Than You Think We’ve often heard the rule of thumb that we should drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. While hydration is indeed essential, it’s time to recognize that our bodies need more than this standard recommendation. The guidance we have long lived by is notContinueContinue reading “Drinking More”

Stop Blaming Your Hormones

https://youtu.be/oQfjQHaKw0w Your hormones are easy targets. When you’re in the middle of a hot flash feeling makeup run down your chin while sweating through a beautiful blouse you cannot change out of right now because you’re sitting in a work meeting – well, it is very hard not to see hormones as a problem. Yet,ContinueContinue reading “Stop Blaming Your Hormones”

The Heart & Hormones

I have now reached this time in my life where I notice things changing in my body. These changes have been subtle for the most part but yet ever present. In honesty they have made more more aware of how things are always changing around me. I’m not slowing down as a result and lifeContinueContinue reading “The Heart & Hormones”

Uplifting and Rising Support

All this month we have been sharing strategies for deepening our self-love and how doing so will influence what and who is around us.  The premise being that all the incredible things we want to achieve and have in our life is possible when we start with who we are and loving that person. Today, we’reContinueContinue reading “Uplifting and Rising Support”