How to Holistically Move Your Body When it comes to improving health, one of the first things many people think of is they have to exercise more… or start exercising. The focus becomes a purely physical one with specific metrics such as our weight and body measurements. While I think its great to want to move your body more andContinueContinue reading “How to Holistically Move Your Body”

How to Use Seasons to Improve Your Health I think we as Americans have lost the beauty of changing seasons. Oh sure, we get all excited for Fall and its pumpkin spiced laden style but we have forgotten how to truly live seasonally. Blame it on technology, improved transportation, hot houses and more but we no longer see seasons change orContinueContinue reading “How to Use Seasons to Improve Your Health”

Drinking More

Why Your Body Needs More Water Than You Think We’ve often heard the rule of thumb that we should drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. While hydration is indeed essential, it’s time to recognize that our bodies need more than this standard recommendation. The guidance we have long lived by is notContinueContinue reading “Drinking More”

Why Your M.D. Doesn’t Recognize Adrenal Fatigue as a Diagnosis Adrenal fatigue doesn’t exist per your doctor and insurance company. You cannot be diagnosed with it. Nor will it appear on your bill as a coded item approved for payment by your insurance company. To them it is a non-existent illness. Per Mayo Clinic’s website it is defined as, “It is a lay termContinueContinue reading “Why Your M.D. Doesn’t Recognize Adrenal Fatigue as a Diagnosis”

Stop Blaming Your Hormones Your hormones are easy targets. When you’re in the middle of a hot flash feeling makeup run down your chin while sweating through a beautiful blouse you cannot change out of right now because you’re sitting in a work meeting – well, it is very hard not to see hormones as a problem. Yet,ContinueContinue reading “Stop Blaming Your Hormones”